expert opinon on reparation claims

4. Conclusion

The "Germans" (Austrians and inhabitants of the Federal Republic of Germany) have received pensions for their acts of war. Nobody has refused a pension, although the deputies of the "Germans" were hanged in Nuremberg for their war crimes. No one has distanced himself from his acts of war and therefore refused a pension.


These pensions were co-financed by taxes from, for example, Mr. Tom Adalbert von Prince, who's still entitled to 10.000.000,-Shs in damages for these acts of war. He didn´t receive any pension because of his civil resistance.


Nevertheless, or perhaps because of it, the Germans do not respect the treaties with the Four Allies. The Four Allies, representing the United Nations, are thus again responsible to the nationals of the Free City of Danzig.

In this case, the Enemy State Clauses of the United Nations Charter are in place so that the nationals of the Free City of Danzig can enforce their own rights.


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